Hello Friends
ONCE IN A LIFETIME we should all do something mad…….something we may regret later…….something our friends and family think is crazy…….and something that perhaps ends up being the very best thing we have ever done.
I’ve done it once, 24 years ago, purchasing a crumbling ruin in Tuscany to restore, to live in and to be filled with joy walking down the ancestral roads of my neighbours and eating the tastiest food on the planet!
And I’m doing it again. I’ve rented my house, given away 60 pairs of shoes and untold numbers of clothes, packed my furniture and remaining possessions, put my wine, car and furniture into storage and my beautiful puss to the care of my step-daughter Sarah. So now with a 20 kilo suitcase and a laptop I head off for Europe ……….. indefinitely.
Where I will go, where I shall live, what I shall do and who shall I love all remain a mystery…..to be uncovered at exactly the right time in the future.
I have called this madness a journey with heart…..I have no agenda, I may or may not work, I can live where I want (thanks to my EU Passport) and I have no home in Australia for at least 12 months. So it’s about abandoning all known parameters and feeling my way into what brings me joy, love and gratutide on a daily basis. Pretty simple???
Well, probably not all that simple. For a woman used to projects, achievements, and the usual attachments ….. it could be challenging for this is definitely not about achievements: rather it is a journey that will ebb and flow on a daily basis in the cafes and wine bars of Rome, Paris, London, Istanbul, Copenhagen and who knows where else.
I hope you will follow me and enjoy my occasional Jottings. When I wrote Jottings last year from Turkey and Spain my friends were hanging out for the next edition, so I will make these enjoyable and as humorous as I can.
Until next time, With Heart